Bell Boot Camp
The Handbell Association of Greater St. Louis is available to bring a personalized Bell Boot Camp right to you and your choir. The presenter will tailor the Bell Boot Camp to fit your choir’s specific needs, drawing from the components listed below. Cost will be $50 per hour for two hour minimum session suggested plus mileage if clinician travels over 50 miles.
You may choose as many or as few topics as you feel will be of benefit for you and your choir. A minimum two hour session is recommended. Can’t fit them all in with one Boot Camp? Schedule a second or third session to cover all the topics you want.
E-mail us at and a clinician will work with you to schedule a date and plan an itinerary specific to your needs.
Available Components
Basic Ringing and Damping Techniques
Basic Music Reading and Terminology
Deciphering Handbell Music Notation:
Should I Ring, Swing, Echo, Mart,
Thumb Damp or just Shake?
History of Handbells
Care of Handbells
Performance Etiquette
Four in Hand/Shelley Ringing
Basics of Directing
Less than Full Choir Techniques